Seeing the technology trends and the growing market in the field of machine vision after experiencing COVID-19
封面故事 Cover Story
3D vision helps robots pick and disentangle hooks
3D扫描仪、视觉和运动规划软件与协作机器人联合起来,解决 了机器视觉领域一项非常困难的任务。
技术趋势 Technology Trends
稀疏建模软件为机器视 觉检测提供新颖方法
Sparse modeling software offers novel approach to machine vision inspection
ProCon开启基于PC控 制系统的2.0时代
ProCon opens the era of 2.0 of control system based on PC
C o a X P r e s s 2.0除了 高速率以外的更多潜 在优势
Revealing potentially overlooked advantages of CoaXPress 2.0
应用与解决方案 Applications & Solutions
高光谱成像用于纺织品 回收中的分类
Hyperspectral imaging for classification in textile recycling
多相机数据融合用于生 产线视觉检测
Multi camera data fusion used for visual inspection in production line
3D视觉系统助力铜精炼 厂提升质量控制能力
3D vision systems provide quality control at copper refining plant
高光谱工业在线分选系 统及应用
Hyperspectral industrial on line sorting system and its applications
访谈 Interviews
The Imaging Source:
嵌入式视觉 将为未来产业发展带来巨大潜力 ——访The Imaging Source亚洲区总经理 Sebastian Bollhorst
The Imaging Source: Embedded vision will bring great potential for future industrial development ——Interview Sebastian Bollhorst, General Manager of The Imaging Source Asia
深耕料箱无序抓取, 迎来市场爆发期 ——访视科普机器人销售总监余舒帆
Scape: Focusing on the random bin picking and embracing the market outbreak ——Interview Sam Yu, Sales Director of Scape
产品特写 Product Focus
适用于大视野大景深定 位引导的激光扫描3D 相机
Laser scanning 3D camera used for positioning and guiding with large field of view and depth of field
3D扫描仪、视觉和运动规划软件与协作机器人联合起来,解决 了机器视觉领域一项非常困难的任务。